A rotation of models in 2- to 6-week poses ensures that students have the chance to practice making quick, accurate decisions.  Most students will be asked to draw for the first pose.  Students who continue drawing instead of painting will focus on strong block-ins, in particular suggesting an accurate likeness with the least amount of information on paper as possible.  Oil painters will focus on the alla prima technique of painting the portrait, painting the head quickly and directly.  We will emphasize the structure and the major planes of the head, as well as structural symmetry to the face, color, shape, value, and edges.  Please note:  Portrait drawing/painting is for immediate and advanced students only.  Beginners will be asked to start with a still life drawing or master copy to determine readiness. 

Materials List:


Please note that you may need only drawing or only painting materials for this class, depending on your individual needs. All new students will start with drawing. Please contact us prior to purchasing if you have any questions.